The Golden Star by J. Michaud
The Golden Star: A Mystic Crescendo In Twelve Visions. A Book For Initiates.
The Golden Star is a book for initiates demonstrating levels of consciousness, above and below what is perceived as normal, waking life in western material thinking.
A journey through the unseen realms of higher consciousness, by which the 'Alchemical Marriage is perfected under the watchful guidance of the spirit.'
The book begins with two Egyptian pilgrims, Ma-u and Ma-uti, watching a sunset:
"At one unforgettable moment the sun sent out five purple rays from between the massed clouds, which like a hand of benediction overspread the pair; whilst a path of molten gold stretched from Ra to them, as if inviting them to stride along that road to glory under His protecting hand. An invitation and Initiation into the Mysteries."
J. Michaud was involved with the Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis, and was friend of Aleister Crowley. Around the time of the Second World War Michaud founded the Order of the Hidden Masters. He had a number of occult books published under his imprint of the UMA press in the post-war years.
Each of the twelve chapters is prefaced by an inspired poem and associated with a particular precious stone.
The Domains of Night
Demons and Devas
Elements and Elementals
The Astral Fire
The Symbol of the Cross
The Kosmos, Cosmic Consciousness,
The Great Light
The Dwellers in the Celestial Spheres
London: The Uma Press, 1946. First edition. 323pp. The dust jacket appears to have been glued to the boards by the publisher, jacket faded around the edges, predominantly on the spine, slight markings present, bookseller sticker to rear, text clean. Overall an excellent copy. Includes correspondence from The Westminster Circle, a typed letter detailing, "We Believe that the Author has succeeded in communicating an important modern rendering of the eternal holy teachings..." with a mention of a specific footnote in the book to the reader addressed. Also includes a separate page listing book titles by the author.
Category Occult, Magic & Esotericism